O que mais me fascina no mundo da blogosfera é a troca de informação.
Ontem deparei-me com um blogue deveras interessante, e que por isso mesmo resolvi dedicar um post. Este foi sugerido através do nick do messenger de uma antiga colega de faculdade, e que resume os 10 mandamentos da criatividade, que são 10 ítems que sugerem maneiras de levar a vida de uma perspectiva mais leve e optimista.
Foi uma lufada de ar fresco no final do meu dia, espero que assim seja para quem os leia também ;)
The Ten Commandments of Creativity
1. Live simply and live deliberately.Slow down and de-clutter your life. Take regular time for yourself and find things that you enjoy doing, whilst casting aside the things that don’t inspire you. Practice this process often.
2. Stay in touch with yourself.Soul searching, meditation, and journaling are just a few of the many activities that you can take part in to stay aware and learn as much as you can about your emotions, reactions, likes, dislikes, dreams, and fears. Having a solid sense of self gives you a firm foundation for living in this world.
3. Support or teach others as often as you can.This can help you form connections with people while also giving you an opportunity to make the world a better place.
4. Consciously choose what you will allow into your mind.The media bombards us with visions of hate, war, and pain. Be judicious about what you read, watch, and listen to. Try not to get too caught up in world events.
5. Acknowledge the beauty that resides around you.Whether you live in a sprawling metropolis or a stereotypical suburb, there are many natural and man-made wonders just waiting to be discovered. Capture the images and feed your mind.
6. Nurture your ties to your tribe.If you don’t have one, create a community that you can belong to. Modern life can be isolating. When you have a tribe, you have a circle that you are a part of. Its members – loved ones, family, friends, or neighbours – can be a source of support, care, guidance, and companionship.
7. See the larger picture.Remember that the way that you choose to live is not the only way to live. Widen your perspective by exploring other modes of being through research, travel, and discussion.
8. Embrace the challenges that life presents to you, and challenge yourself often.After a time, even the most exciting jobs or lifestyles can seem routine. Make a conscious effort to pursue and assimilate new knowledge about what you are doing and your life will never be dull.
9. Move your body.In this busy world, it can be easy to live a sedentary life. Movement reacquaints us with our bodies and connects us to the earth in a visceral way. It also restores our vitality.
10. Make time for stillness, silence, and solitude.The world can be noisy, and we are subject to all kinds of sounds every hour that we are awake. We are also often ‘on the go’ and unable to relax. Being alone in a peaceful place and making time for quiet can help you stay in touch with yourself.
"Although it is easy to claim that we will follow these commandments, it is not so easy to put them into practice. Initially, try to focus on a few at a time. Perhaps pick one that suites your mood for the day or strikes a chord with how you have been feeling recently. If you spend a lot of time cooped up in an office bent over a desk, number 9 will be of benefit to you. Take a proper lunch break if you can and go for a walk around the local park. Join a nearby gym and attend an aerobics or a swimming class. Any movement will wake up both your body and your mind and help to relieve stress. If you’ve had a busy week, make the 10th commandment your priority for the weekend. Meditate, practice yoga, Tai Chi, read poetry, listen to classical music, go to church. The only limitations are your imagination.
As you progress through the list you will begin to feel the changes inside you. Much like the crossing off of bullet points on a ‘to-do list’, you will gain a growing sense of satisfaction as you follow and achieve each commandment. Remember to keep your list somewhere safe and accessible and refer back to it often, especially when you feel that life is beginning to overwhelm you again. Everyone needs time to concentrate on themselves. Make yourself your priority."
Rebecca Atherton, Editor
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